Monday, August 11, 2008

Let's Be Ducks!

Seriously, folks, it's time to quit shopping at Ken's Stereo Junction - or at the very least, send them a bunch of ducks.

Ken has clearly lost his mind, sending the Macon Telegraph a letter containing negative questions about Sheriff Modena. This wouldn't be such a big deal, except for two things: allegedly, Ken and the Modena's have been friends for many years, and second, everything in Ken's letter was either untruthful or twisted. I don't know where he got his information, but the letter is a blatant attempt to poison the well, as it were, of Sheriff Modena's public support.

I don't know what's wrong with the man; clearly, he has lost his mind. Let me just finish with this: Good riddance, Ken! For years, you have been dogged by rumors of being less than ethical in your business practices, and it's not unreasonable to think your friendship with the Sheriff might have fallen apart along those lines.

Off to Best Buy to purchase a HUGE AND EXPENSIVE wide screen television, and as much stereo equipment as I can put in my car,

Friday, July 25, 2008

Go Mo!

It was a long haul, but Modena made it, and in style, winning the July 15th primary 57% to 43%. Go Mo!

The campaign appears to be on hiatus for a week or two while our candidate and his staff gear up for the right-hand turn that involves taking on Scotty Shepherd and the Republican apparatus. I hear all sorts of rumors, and have little trouble repeating them - they are, after all, rumors. And sometimes I have facts. To wit:

Rumor #1:

"The Republican state senators and representatives - aka Cecil Staton, Allen Freeman, Allen Peake and That Other Guy (I can never remember his name) - are actively pushing to make Bibb County's leadership all Repugnican, so they talked Scotty Shepherd into running and are backing him."

Who knows, but I've heard that one from a few sources now and am giving it credence. Yet another reason that some elections should be nonpartisan. Law Enforcement is not a Democrat or Republican issue - it is an Everyman issue. Trying to manipulate the outcome of a race so that a Republican Sheriff is in office even though he's less qualified than the current Democrat sheriff is. . . well, disgustingly manipulative and frighteningly Republican. Shepherd's campaign disclosures should be interesting. In the meantime, my main squeeze - a wonderful man who has been brought over from the dark side and now votes mostly Democrat - still gets mail from the Republicans. (Sadly, he voted for Bush.) He was the recent recipient of a letter from the Four Horsemen of the Repocalypse encouraging him to Vote Repug. And I'm thinking, That Means Scotty. And Charlie. And Saxby. (Ugh.) We had fun showing the letter around, before one hard-edged Democrat confiscated it and burned it.

Rumor #2:

"Theron Ussery is helping Scotty Shepherd."

In that case, I am no longer sorry I didn't get a chance to vote for him in the Republican primary. Go, Sam, Go!


Scotty Shepherd explained why he switched parties, at the Porter Ellis Forum in June. He advised the crowd that the first time he ran, he wanted to be a Republican as his heart directed, but his Obviously In Hindsight Incompetent Campaign Advisors talked him into running as a Democrat. He further advised the crowd that after he lost, and got the fleas off himself, he went where his true heart lay and returned to the Republican Fold. The (who knew it, in SubSouth?) audience of mostly Democrats rightly booed him.

Rumor #3:

"Bill Lucas has yet to formally concede or congratulate his fellow Democrat on the win. He also has yet to promise to bring his support to his fellow Democrat, as is traditional and expected."

No information on that one at all, but Mr. Lucas' retirement from political life seems to be very speedy. He has yet to finish picking up his campaign signs. I offered to dispose of them, but my friend Mary won't let me touch them. She says its bad manners. Someone should mention to Mr. Lucas that it is also bad form to leave your signs up when you don't win. Anyway, his lack of support for his fellow Democrat makes me think two things: 1) he really is in cahoots with Shepherd, or 2) he really hasn't given a whole lot of thought to the idea that the main reason we have Sonny Purdue for our governor lies with the supporters of Cathy Cox. Either that, or he is a sore loser. Given his gracious public demeanor, this surprises me and disappoints me. Once again, Shepherd's campaign disclosures will be interesting. I wonder if the list of donors is alphabetized? Would save me some time.

Enough rumor-mongering! We take a short break from politics, and then we'll be in it again - and yours truly will try to be a better reporter. Go Mo!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Forum Tonight!

Sorry - it's taking me a while to get my blog up and running, especially since we are up and running with Mo! News from Camp Modena is all positive - there are 4 billboards up around town (and they are very handsome indeed), they are cutting media spots and having more fundraisers and parties than you can shake a stick at, and everywhere I go, Modena yard signs keep popping up in yards - not like those weedy Lucas signs, which populate several medians and rights of way - those puppies will be in the landfill after Public Works picks them up (unless Lucas' sister Miriam, who is on the Public Works committee, keeps them from doing their jobs. But surely not?)

About yard signs - like I tell everybody who asks me why Lucas has so many signs up - anybody can stick a sign on the side of the road. It's much harder to stick a sign in someone's yard. Pretty much every Modena sign you see is in someone's yard - that means a VOTER asked for it, and will be going to the polls to vote for Modena. Periodically, the Modena Crowd gets excited and puts a sign in a median someplace, and that's ok - but just keep in mind, when you see a sign, look where it is. That goes for A-Frames, especially - and I notice the only Lucas A-Frames so far are on his daycare center Headquarters. Signs are advertising, and that's what an underdog has to do - I think he's paying Quentin Tard a lot! - but Modena signs aren't just advertising - they're votes.

On the the forums. . . Last Saturday, my friend Mary was at a forum in Unionville with Modena and said it went very well. Lucas might have a lot of corrections policy experience, but it's pretty plain that when it comes to good ol' policing of the cops and robbers variety, he's never done it. I listened to his interview on the Telegraph over the weekend, and while he's told lots of prison wardens what to do, I doubt that he has ever made a traffic stop, arrested a robber, or even directed traffic, much less chased down drug dealers or done community based policing. I want someone who has actual experience as a COP to be my sheriff, because I don't think Sheriff is one of the jobs you can just walk into off the street. You have to know how to be a cop before you can be a Sheriff, I think. On the Job Training will not cut it - nor will time as an MP in the Army Reserves and National Guard.

That said, Mary noted that Lucas tried throughout the Unionville forum to be pleasant, polite and generous - completely in opposition to the loudmouthed, insulting, near-rabid foaming-at-the-mouth Scotty Shepherd at the NAACP's forum at City Hall the week before. (I saw that one in person, and on TV - he clearly has a personal ax to grind, and it has pushed him over the edge.) Shepherd's got more policing experience than Lucas, but if I had to choose between the two, Lucas appears to be a better candidate - or at least sane.

Neither of them, however, holds a candle to Modena. (I did say from the start that I was unashamedly Pro-Mo, right?) I'm unreservedly grateful to him and his deputies for the last 7 years of lower crime, innovation and hard work. That, and it is a good feeling to sleep safe in your beds at night!

About tonight: The Forum tonight is a 6 pm at Porter Ellis Community Center on Houston - it's open to all candidates in the area, and I am certain that it'll be packed. Come early for a good seat next to the folks in the Modena Tshirts! Mary might even give you a fan, in case it gets hot.

I expect Shepherd to come to this one - he blew off Unionville. Strangely enough, it was Bill Lucas who informed the crowd that "Scotty is out of town." Now, why would a Democratic challenger know - or care about - the location of the Republican challenger, or not use it to tell the audience, "I'm here and he's not - who cares about you?" OH, THAT'S RIGHT - I forgot: Lucas and Shepherd are in cahoots! That's why he knows where Shepherd is! (And that's why Shepherd's longtime friend Mickey Pearce gave Lucas $1000. . . The campaign cleverly misspelled his name, but that's Mickey Pearce, the same guy who just retired rather than face the music for allowing employees to claim overtime improperly. Gosh. I'll bet he doesn't like Modena at all. . . in which case, I doubt he's reading my blog!)

Need I mention, by the way, that this is all my opinion? Nobody tells me what to think, and I can do math about as well as the next person. Politics is fun - you read the paper, look at campaign disclosures, sniff around a bit, and poof - you can connect the dots, too.

Anyway, that's all for today - I'll let y'all know how the forum goes tonight. Also, at some point I will post about the two candidates interviews with the Telegraph - they are posted online and are quite interesting.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Hello - the site is under construction, but hopefully will be up and running soon. Check back for updates!